The Team Behind Advanced Group Property Inspections

Serving California for Over 30 Years!

Advanced Group Property Inspection Company (AGPIC) is a group of professional property inspectors that was formed in the summer of 1993 by Alex Kay Keshishian. Ever since, we have grown to become a prominent property inspection company trusted by real estate experts and industry professionals in all of California for residential and commercial property inspection.

Behind the Story

In the summer of 1993, my mom & dad walked into my bedroom and said something to me that would change our lives as we knew it. I was sitting on my bed watching the Kings play the Canadians in the Stanley Cup finals, as my dad looked at me and said, can you type up property inspections? I said, yeah dad, totally, but can I finish watching the game first? The rest was history.

-Michael Kay, the son.

My wife warned me that if I continue to work 7 days a week from morning until night, that I would never develop a relationship with my children. I listened to her advice, and retired from building properties. Now, I still work 7 days a week, from morning until night, along side my wife and kids. So I guess it all worked out, considering we’ve developed a really strong family in the process.

-Alex Kay, the father/founder.

What Makes Us Different

Our company was founded by a contractor (Alex Kay Keshishian) whose double master’s in structural and mechanical engineering made him an honored force in local developments. His “top to bottom” knowledge of the industry sparked his interest in property inspections which eventually led to the phasing out of his construction career and leap into inspections in 1992. He teamed up with his wife Mary Kay (local realtor) to form the alliance know best known for their “do what it takes” attitude to serving their clients.

Our Team is Now Your Family

The group here at Advanced Group divides into two categories: the field inspectors and the rest of us. Our inspectors are hand picked contractors from the US that show exemplary skill in their field with interest in switching gears from building to evaluating. Each of our inspectors are trained in our AGPIC Sharpen Up system custom tailored by founder and chief inspector Alex Kay Keshishian.

Admin and marketing staff is also required to conduct on-site training so that each of our members are in the know with what’s going on with the world of construction. Our knowledgeable staff is fun, friendly and excited to help you. We treat our people good, providing staff with free meals by on-site personal chef, weekly massage therapist visits and funky Friday free dress days. Get to know our hard working team of staff and property inspectors.

Alex Kay KeshishianAlex Kay Keshishian Mr. Chief Inspector

“I married a woman who is good at everything, so that I can have the luxury of concentrating on just one. My life revolves around building and inspecting properties throughout the state of California. Why my clients are so vast and loyal? I don’t know, maybe because I bring to the table 30+ years of knowledge and experience, which means that they can have the peace of mind from knowing that I’m watching out for their best interest. Not to mention that with each property I learn something new, making every inspection a whole new challenge. Request an inspection with Alex Kay.


Ash KhalafianAsh Khalafian Mr. Co-Chief Inspector

“So I’m that guy that’s been doing construction since as far as I could even remember. We built homes, apartments, shopping centers back to back to back for years. Then one day I met Alex Kay, and he was like “dude, let’s take all of that knowledge and share it with the community. So I trained with him for a year and now, I’m here to serve.” Schedule an inspection with Ash Khalafian


Stephan WarrenStephan Warren Mr. Inspector

“The truth is that I’ve always been a pretty logical guy. Whether it be figuring out how to fix things around the house to sorting out the techniques to bowling a perfect game (twice) – thinking through systems and strategies has come natural to me. When I decided to turn my focus into construction and inspection it felt like an easy pivot. Now? I consult people on how to make smart property decisions. It’s a blessing really. ” Schedule an inspection with Stephan Warren


Adam LewAdam Lew Mr. Inspector

“When my buddy Stephan Warren said he had transitioned into doing property inspections I thought “okay, how about me?” I’ve always been in (healthy) competition with the guy as he’s been my partner in shine for quite a while. So after a few meetings with Mr. Alex and the Kay Family I wen’t straight into training and before you knew it I was out on the field helping client’s in making one of the most important decisions of their lives – buying property. It’s awesome.” Schedule an inspection with Adam Lew


Fred TorresFred Torres Mr. Senior Inspector

“I started in the industry straight out of high school jumping into construction work wherever I could. After a few sweaty years, I fell into the military for another couple of years to pay my dues and gather my thoughts. Once I was out, it was full steam ahead. School kept me busy for another 3 years as I studied to be an architect. As soon as I was done, I went straight into building properties and after no time I had my own construction company. 20 years of supervising projects was all it took for me to make the next move; property inspections. I love what I do and have been loyal to my company for over 8 years. I joke with ownership requesting to take the senior out of my title, because I’m not that old.”  Schedule an inspection with Fred Torres


Arman ShahenianArman Shahenian Mr. Inspector

“I’m a left brain kind of guy, there I said it. If it doesn’t make sense, I don’t do it. Guess what? It’s that same logic I use in my everyday as an inspector. I focus on big problems, while making sure not to make a big deal out of the small stuff. No house is perfect, which means cracks and such are expected. But rest assured, if I notice something that can potentially be of harm to you and your family, I’ll let you know. I’m a family man that believes that the best strategy is whichever has the least room for error.” Schedule an inspection with Arman Shahenian


Mary Kay KeshishianMary Kay Keshishian Mrs. Marketing Director

“My husband? He’s the master at building properties. Me? I’m more about building relationships. Together? We’ve built a company, a culture, a following, and a family. It’s a blessing, and we’re just getting started. Teaming up with my brainiaque son & innovative daughter (below) we’ve made an effort over the years to give back to the real estate community through workshops and seminars the invaluable information we’ve accumulated from our inception. Because when you win, we win.” Inquire about presentations hosted by Mary Kay.


Micheal Kay KeshishianMichael Kay Keshishian Mr. Inspector

“My parents worked hard, so that we could work harder. Fair trade? Totally. Especially since they support all of my off-the-wall business ventures, ridiculous shoe shopping sprees, and ever changing hairstyle. Jokes aside for a minute, I’ve been in the business since I was 8 years old. A human sponge soaking up inspection jargon as a pass time. When I’m not inspecting, I teach classes on real estate related subjects to share the wealth. Simply put, I’m at your service if you need me.” Inquire about presentations hosted by Michael Kay.



Nonee Kay KeshishianNonee Kay Keshishian Ms. General Manager

“For years the family considered my brother the golden child, until they realized that he has no attention span and the rational of a punch drunk artist. Thus? I’m the coordinator in the family. A full time job of course that requires great attention to detail and iron fist negotiations. Whether it be deciding on a new logo, switching the inspector gear or adding to our menu of services, I’m the final say. End of story.” Inquire about presentations hosted by Nonee Kay.



Ruben FriasRuben Frias Mr. Front Office

“I fell into the real estate industry by accident when taking a administrative job at the local board at the start of Y2K. I hopped a few spots until I landed here. Now unless I win the lottery, I ain’t going no where. What better place to deploy all of my knowledge, grow with a team and service my community through the best the business has to offer. Not to mention, our conference room houses 8 barber chairs, so my sheers and clippers got a place to work on hair dew Fridays. I love this place.” Schedule an inspection with Ruben.



Lex AngelesLex Angeles Mr. Marketing Man

“Like Ruben, I’ve been in the real estate world since I was old enough to get a pay check. A good thing, or a bad thing, depending on your view point. Me? I love it. I’ve got friends on every block, and competitors at every corner. The combination of hot and cold makes me as chill as a persian cucumber (skin on please). I talk the talk as our inspectors walk the walk. I tell everyone that we’re the best, because I truly believe that we are. Not to mention, my aunt and uncle own the company, so they’d strangle me if I thought otherwise :)” Schedule an inspection with Lex.